I want people to take a load off and ride the bus, take a look around at the neighborhoods, see the struggles. Then maybe they would have more input on how to help. I want folks to experience sitting out in the cold waiting for a bus, maybe then they’d push for more bus shelters to go up. They may not be able to go to the drive-through, but they’ll live.
Week Without Driving PGH uplifts the stories of nondrivers and invites us all to advocate for improved mobility options. Together, we can win better access for all!
Whether we live in a suburban town or city neighborhood, everyone in Allegheny County deserves safe, reliable, dignified access to the places we need to go. I’m inviting you – whether you are an individual, organization representative, or elected official- to take the pledge to experience life as a non-driver, and participate in the national Week without Driving from Monday, Sept 30th – Sunday Oct 6th 2024!
The Week without Driving is a national week of action in which we uplift the experience of non-drivers in our communities, and highlight some of the barriers and challenges that we face getting where we need to go without being able to drive or afford a car. As youth, people with disabilities, older adults, people who cannot afford cars or gas- we non-drivers represent nearly a third of the population.
The #WeekWithoutDriving challenge was launched in 2021 by Anna Zivarts at Disability Rights Washington and is now a national initiative, led by America Walks and the National Campaign for Transit Justice. I’m proud to join this movement to raise awareness for greater mobility needs in every community, and I’m a member of Access Mob, a Disability Justice organization which is one of the four co-hosts for Week Without Driving PGH.
My name is Sherai Richardson and I invite you to join me for the Week Without Driving PGH to advocate for improved mobility for all!
I use public transportation and walking to get to most all of the places I need to go. The bus works well, but it depends on what time of day it is and what bus line I’m waiting on. I don’t mind taking the bus, but sometimes they take too long. I really enjoy the sightseeing aspect of riding the bus. I can take a load off, see and experience different things.
I don’t drive becasue I don’t have money for a car. I’m also not fond of driving because of the traffic, people are really bad drivers. Really it’s the cost though; it’s just too costly for me.
If I had a car I would use it to drive long distances. I would still take public transportation to get around locally because it cuts down on the environmental impact of driving. I understand that people need to drive to get to places further out, because there are no bus connections. Better bus connections would help everyone.
I want people to take a load off and ride the bus, take a look around at the neighborhoods, see the struggles. Then maybe they would have more input on how to help. I want folks to experience sitting out in the cold waiting for a bus, maybe then they’d push for more bus shelters to go up. They may not be able to go to the drive through, but they’ll live.
- Sherai Richadson, Pittsburghers for Public Transit Member